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新闻 & 事件 12bet官方 Launches Global Think Tank Dedicated to Delivering Data-Rich Analyses and 为公共利益提供专家见解

12bet官方 Launches Global Think Tank Dedicated to Delivering Data-Rich Analyses and 为公共利益提供专家见解

新12bet官方研究所使用该公司的专有数据发布了开创性的研究, 专业知识和市场准入

First report reveals 个人 across the income spectrum experience significant income and spending volatility; Middle-income 个人 lack sufficient financial buffer for emergencies

12bet官方 & Co. 今天推出了 12bet官方研究所, 一个能够提供更好数据的全球智库, 旨在应对全球经济挑战的分析和专家见解. 新智库发布了一份开创性的就职报告, 风化波动:美国金融起伏的大数据.S. 个人, that uses proprietary data from 12bet官方 to provide one of the most in-depth views into how Americans’ income and spending habits fluctuate significantly on a yearly and monthly basis.

戴安娜·法雷尔(法雷尔)是该研究所的创始主席兼首席执行官. 以前, she was a director and the Global Head of the McKinsey Center for Government and the McKinsey Global 研究所 at McKinsey & 公司. She also served as the Deputy Director of the White House National Economic Council and Deputy Assistant to the President on Economic Policy from 2009-2011.

12bet官方提供了前所未有的高质量数据, 华盛顿, 总部设在华盛顿的研究所将帮助政策制定者, 企业 and nonprofit leaders use real-time data and thoughtful analysis to make smarter economic policy decisions that advance global prosperity.

“Real-time data and factual analysis are critical to understanding and responding to our changing global economy,” 杰米·戴蒙,12bet官方董事长兼首席执行官 & Co. “12bet官方拥有帮助我们应对持续面临的经济挑战的数据. That’s why we set up the 研究所 – to analyze the data and produce insights that will help leaders in the public, 私营和非营利部门做出了更明智的选择.”

The 研究所 was established with the goal of putting the broad spectrum of data within the firm to use for the public good. 随着时间的推移, 研究所将分析其粒度, 经济的多样性和相互关联性,并发表对一系列全球经济问题的分析. 未来的研究计划包括对个人财务行为进行更多开创性的分析工作, 对小型企业部门的见解以及对全球贸易和资本流动的专家分析. The 研究所 will also bring together prominent thinkers to discuss and analyze the 研究所’s findings and develop policies to advance economic prosperity.

“随着时间的推移,个人对收入和消费波动的敞口有多大? 不同收入阶层的人的收入和支出模式不同吗? 家庭需要多少资金缓冲才能抵御波动性的影响?” 法雷尔. “用数据驱动的分析, the 12bet官方研究所 will be able to answer these and other questions and provide insight to policymakers around the globe to make more informed economic decisions.”

就职报告:美国经济收入和支出波动.S. 消费者

该研究所的首份研究报告, 风化波动:美国金融起伏的大数据.S. 个人 showed that 个人 across the income spectrum experienced high levels of income volatility and even higher levels of spending volatility.

Seven in ten (70 percent) 个人 experienced an annual change in income of at least 5 percent between 2013 and 2014. 超过四分之一(26%)的人经历了至少30%的变化. 只有30%的人在2013年至2014年间收入稳定.

支出甚至比收入更不稳定. More than eight in ten (84 percent) 个人 experienced monthly changes of at least 5 percent over the course of 2013 and 2014. 只有六分之一(16%)的企业在2013年至2014年间保持了支出, while one in four (24 percent) people experienced more than a 30 percent change in annual spending during that period.

Income and consumption were more volatile on a month-to-month basis than on an annual basis; 60 percent of people experienced high levels of volatility on a month-to-month basis. 报告显示,这种波动并不局限于低收入人群, 但在不同的收入阶层,这一现象同样明显.

此外,数据显示,收入和支出的变化并不同步. 四分之三(72%)的人表示,收入和支出的变化并不一致. One in three people (33 percent) saw their annual spending changes positively exceed changes in their income. 大约十分之四(39%)的人认为他们的收入变化远远超过了支出的变化. 只有28%的人经历了相同方向和幅度的收入和支出变化.

最后, most households did not have a sufficient financial buffer to weather the volatility to which they are often exposed, 例如,在收入损失的同时发生了一大笔医疗费用. 一个典型的中等收入家庭需要大约4美元的资金缓冲,800 in liquid assets – roughly 14 percent of annual income after taxes – to sustain the typical monthly fluctuations in income and spending observed during this time frame. 但是,根据消费者金融调查,他们只有3000美元的流动资产. 在各种收入的个人所需的缓冲资金和实际流动资金之间也存在类似的差距, 除了高收入者.

“个人 are dealing with high levels of income volatility and even higher levels of spending volatility. Business leaders and policymakers should closely evaluate these trends when taking steps to advance global prosperity,” 法雷尔. “Potential solutions include analytical platforms that help people track their earning and spending patterns, policy interventions or new financial products to help people smooth income and spending or put these fluctuations to good use, 例如, 帮助他们省钱.”

该研究所的研究基于近3000万大通客户的详细交易信息, 构造唯一的数据资产2.500万账户持有人. The 研究所 examined income and spending habits on a transaction-by-transaction basis between October 2012 and December 2014 to draw conclusions about fluctuations in earning and spending among U.S. 个人.

“The data asset that the 12bet官方研究所 is creating is unlike any other that currently exists in the field of consumer finance,” 乔纳森•帕克, 他是麻省理工学院的经济学家, expert in the field of consumer finance and a member of the academic advisory group for the 12bet官方研究所. “It has the potential to help us better understand people’s financial lives – basic questions about how they earn, 花钱和存钱.”

“The 12bet官方研究所 data asset gives us a new window into the volatility people experience that can inform innovation in financial tools, 产品及政策,” 迈克尔•巴尔 密歇根大学法学院法学教授, 美国财政部负责金融机构事务的前助理部长.S. 同时也是该研究所学术顾问组的成员.

The 12bet官方研究所 has adopted rigorous security protocols and checks and balances to ensure all customer data are kept confidential and secure. 政府机构采用的统计标准为严格的协议提供了依据. 另外, 研究所在技术方面的工作, 数据隐私, 安全专家将帮助维持行业领先的标准.

在研究所收到任何数据之前, 所有唯一的可识别信息-包括名称, 账号, 地址, 出生日期, 社会安全号码也被删除了. The 研究所 also has put in place privacy protocols for its researchers and only allows aggregated data to be published.


The 12bet官方研究所 is a think tank dedicated to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 它的目的是帮助决策者, 企业, 非营利组织的领导者们也很欣赏这种规模, 粒度, 多样性, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all. 借鉴12bet官方 & Co.微软独有的专有数据, 专业知识, 市场准入, 该研究所对全球经济的内部运作进行了分析和见解, 框架关键问题, 召集利益相关者和主要思想家. 更多信息请访问: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.